If you search, or simply browse around, on YouTube you will find many photographic related posts.

Recently Dave Harriss presented to the club and mentioned that he had picked up several tips and techniques from a photographer called Karl Taylor. Karl has been a photo educator for some time and has contributed to several learning channels.

John D O’Sullivan found that there is a new Karl Taylor tutorial available at no cost – it is promoted on YouTube.

Link to a Karl Taylor YouTube course

There may be no such thing as a free lunch but then again lunch is so overrated, especially when you really just want a few photo tips! Just be aware that the freebies on YouTube normally are a marketing effort to get you to purchase a longer course or some other related product or service. I think this one offers a free sign-up and free course at Karl’s tutorial site. Decide for yourself whether this is something you want to participate in.

Thanks to John for sharing this link and if you find any links or resources that you think would help CCG members feel free to send any to me.