Until further notice there will be no Cork Camera Group club meetings or outings.
The CCG committee met to discuss our response to the current health crises (COVID-19) affecting the country and what impact if any it would have on our club activities.

It is clear to the committee, that in making our decision our first and only priority, is to provide for the health and welfare of our members, their families and extended circle. In the light of the current health crises and the expert medical advice on the importance of social distancing, at risk groups, etc., we have decided to suspend all club meetings and all our outings for the coming weeks, with immediate effect. Today the IPF have advised affiliated clubs “to strongly refrain from holding club meetings until restrictions are lifted concerning public gatherings.”
Restart Date
The duration of the suspension of activities is unclear. We will keep the situation under review, be guided by the medical advice and Govt requirements and communicate further with you on all details ofthe matter, including a re-start date.
Ongoing Activities
Nevertheless, we looked at what options, if any, exist for us to continue some events, that the members could continue to participate in, using current technology.
Our Monthly League will continue on a projected entry only basis, with each member able to enter 3 projected, (Colour/B&W) for the remaining two competitions.
Interclub Panel: The IPF have postponed the National Club Championship, AGM and May Distinction Sitting until a later date, to be advised. Paul will shortly, send you by email, more details in relation to these.
Furthermore, we are exploring what other avenues,online, on our own website and on social media, might enable us to deliver other content/projects or actively engage with you during this period. This requires some research on our part. If any of you have any suggestions and/or know of tech solutions that might be available, then please contact our webmaster, Tim Murphy.
Once we have done some homework we will determine how feasible it is and contact you with the details of same. Initially, any suggested solutions are likely to be experimental for us. But it could also provide different avenues for the future by expanding club delivery platforms.
We would encourage you to get out with your cameras – nothing prohibits individuals, at this time, from getting out and about taking photos!
I am sure the above decision, while disappointing, does not come as a surprise to you. Worrying times ahead for many individuals and the country. Our Camera club community is important and members provide a source of positive support to each other.
Please take care of yourselves and stay healthy!
We will be in touch again soon.
Kind regards,
Máire Sweeney
CCG Secretary